
20 November 2023

Welcome to the International Solar Energy Conference

Friday, November 24th at 9:00 in Auditoruim of the Arenals building of the Miguel Hernández University


We are thrilled to extend a warm welcome to all attendees, enthusiasts, and innovators in the field of solar energy to the prestigious International Solar Energy Conference. As we gather together in pursuit of a brighter and more sustainable future, this event promises to be a beacon of knowledge, collaboration, and inspiration.

Shining a Light on Solar Innovation

The International Solar Energy Conference is your gateway to the latest advancements, breakthroughs, and trends in the dynamic world of solar energy. Our conference is a unique platform designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas, foster partnerships, and showcase the incredible potential of solar technology.

A World of Opportunity Awaits

Discover the limitless opportunities that solar energy presents for our planet and economy. From cutting-edge solar panels to innovative energy storage solutions and beyond, our conference will feature experts, thought leaders, and industry pioneers who will share their insights and experiences to empower and inspire.

Why Attend?

  • Knowledge Sharing: Gain insights from experts at the forefront of solar technology.
  • Networking: Connect with like-minded professionals, researchers, and industry leaders.
  • Sustainability: Learn how solar energy is shaping a more sustainable future.
  • Innovation: Explore the latest advancements and emerging technologies.
  • Collaboration: Find potential partners and collaborators for your solar projects.
  • Global Perspective: Understand the international landscape of solar energy.

Join Us in Illuminating the Future

The International Solar Energy Conference is not just a conference; it’s a movement towards a cleaner, more sustainable world. Together, we can harness the power of the sun to create a brighter tomorrow.

We look forward to your participation and contribution to this exciting event.

Together, let’s light up the path to a solar-powered future!


UMH students who attend the conference in person will obtain 0.5 free elective credits.