23 May 2024
9:15- Presentation
9:30 PVGIS, as a helpful tool for the design of photovoltaic installations. Sergio Valero Verdú. UMH
10:00 How PV module technology will evolve over the next few years. Jean Francois. AMARA NZero
10:30- Agrivoltaic installations in the countryside of Elche. Demetrio López Sánchez. Demesol/UMH
11:00- EPIC Research Group’s International Cooperation with Developing Countries in the Framework of Renewable Energy Systems. Herminio Martínez García . UPC
11:30 Coffee break
12:00 Reconfigurable Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems. Guillermo Velasco Quesada. UPC
12:30 Energy communities. Alberto Martínez Sentana. College of Technical Engineers of Alicante
13:00 EU funding opportunities for R&I in solar energy. Oscar Salazar Torres. Euro-Fundlng
13:30 Solar PV Market, Trends and Future Challenges. José Déciga Gusi. Global Smart Solar Projects. Iberdrola
14:00 Lunch
16:00 Authorized Installer: A Key Player in Energy Transition. Juan Abad Server. APEME
16:30. Lithuania’s Renewable Energy Transition and KTU’s Environmental Impact: A Solar and Geothermal Energy Project. Darius Andriukaitis. KTU Lituania
17:00 Modelling and monitoring Photovoltaic systems in Energy Communities. Vicente Galiano. UMH
Sponsored by: Conselleria d`Innovació, Universitats, Ciència i Societat Digital de la Generalitat (CIAORG2022/24).